Conspiracy theory is a derogatory term that refers to an explanation of an event or situation based on an unjustified conspiracy. Generally, the conspiracy involves illegal or harmful actions carried out by a government, organization, or individuals. Conspiracy theories in most cases produce assumptions that contradict the prevailing historical understanding of simple facts.

According to political scientist Michael Barcon:

Conspiracy theories are based on the view that the universe is governed by design, and are embodied in three principles: nothing happens by chance, nothing is as it appears, and everything is connected. One common characteristic is the development of these conspiracy theories to incorporate in their details any evidence against them, thus becoming a closed sentence that cannot be refuted and thus the conspiracy theory becomes "a matter of faith rather than evidence".

It is, of course, the truth, and everything is linked together since the creation of the earth and the true religion of Islam emerged with all kinds of religions until the last message, which culminated in the Messenger of God Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, which united all religions in one direction, which is the belief in God and in him and his eternal message that has been exposed since its emergence to this day We are in conflict with its opponents all over the world in all its languages.

The conversation is lengthy, and the question of narrating those conflicts that Islam is exposed to is a question, and you are familiar with them and their events.

But let's talk about our present era and the outbreak of these conflicts again, and even their continuation, if you will

Yes, our present age is an extension of those countries, Mamluks and governments from east to west, which fragmented, disintegrated and dispersed, and the conspiracy factor was essential to eliminate them.

What is happening to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since its founding at the hands of the unified King Abdul Aziz, may God have mercy on him, and after him his righteous sons, until today, they and their people are struggling to preserve this unique unity of its kind made by loyal men side by side with their leadership with all sincerity, honesty and fulfillment of the covenants that It will not end generation after generation, God willing.

The Kingdom has been exposed and is still exposed to conspiracies and economic, ideological and racist wars, in addition to those freaks that harbor envy and grudges for this country and the proud government and often suffered from terrorism, extortion, fabrication and applause from the surrounding enemies of the nation and the homeland alike.

Despite that, it has persevered and struggled with all its spectrums, from the south of the kingdom to its north and from its west to its far east, one row under the banner of monotheism, and in the shadow of its kings, king after king, and it is still steadfast, and its king enjoys prosperity, security, and the fearful doom of all enemies. Those who are good at playing and dribbling every day have a case. So a king dies, a king lives, and steadfastness exists, and those masks will not defeat us, and we will dominate the game of chess, and the king will not die, and our kingdom will remain standing tall in spite of all the defeated and ridiculous chess players.. no matter how you punish and plot...

Victory will be our ally as long as we live and as long as the earth and the sky are with the power of God Almighty.. We are all with the leadership and the game will not end

And we will bring the curtain down on all the plays as we are used to, and may the king, his crown prince, his leaders and his people live


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